Tips To Help You Study Better

Studying is hard. Trust us, we know. The good news is that there are multiple different tips and tricks that can make studying not only easier, but enjoyable as well.
An extremely simple trick that can help you retain more information is to limit the distractions around you. While many students believe that they are able to multitask while studying, multiple studies suggest that is not the case. Our brain only has so much “processing power” and when we ask it to perform multiple actions at once, it may limit the success that we have. While you are studying, you should try and limit the amount of time spent on your phone or on websites that don’t pertain to what it is you are studying. If you must multitask, look into the Pomodoro technique. A quick description of this technique is that you should work in time focused intervals (usually 25 minutes) that are separated by quick five minute breaks. This allows you to maximize productivity in the focused time interval while reducing mental fatigue.
Another important tip to have your own study space. One way to do this is to understand when and where you study the best. When you are creating a study environment, it is important to try and find a place to study that will be your designated “study spot”. When you sit at your study spot, your brain will then recognize it is there to study and will operate as such. Additionally, make sure that your study spot has all the necessary tools that you will need to study. There is no worse feeling than getting ready to study, but when you sit down at your desk, you realize that your notebook is completely full or your pens are completely out of ink. Make mental notes about when you should begin to think about restocking your study materials.
Our next study tip would be to use active studying. When we were younger, we may have thought that studying is just passive memorization of certain topics. However, new findings state that it is much better to try and actively understand what it is you are learning. This allows you to retain that information learned for a much longer amount of time. One of the most common forms of active study is Mnemonics. Mnemonics are the process of highlighting the first word of a certain topic in order to memorize the idea much easier. For many people, they find that the sillier the mnemonic is, the more likely they will be in memorizing the answer. An example of a Mnemonic is as follows:
What is the order of operations?
PEMDAS = Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
Our last study tip would be to make sure that you get adequate amounts of sleep every night. According to a study done by the University of Georgia, most students get around 5-6 hours of sleep a night which is less than the 7-8 hours recommended by health officials. Many college students have a lot of commitments which may influence the amount of sleep they get. In order to combat this, many students have to look to caffeine to try and wake up. For many students, they may gravitate towards drinks such as coffee or energy drinks. While both are good options for waking up, these options can become expensive pretty quickly. In addition, energy drinks rely on many chemicals that some people may not want to ingest. A great alternative to this would be our Koi Energy Gum. The gum gets its caffeine from green tea and each piece of gum equates to 50mg of caffeine or about one-half cup of coffee. In addition to its natural energy and its low costs, its small size allows you to always have energy wherever you go. No more leaving lectures to purchase an energy drink or waiting in long lines at a coffee shop. Koi Energy Gum can be easily transported, whether in your pocket or in your backpack. Shop our gum now and see its effects for yourself.